Special Education Department/ Child Study Team
Director of Special Services
Director of Child Study Team
Ms. MaryBeth Warfield
504 Compliance Officer
856-694-0100 ext. 243
Middle School Case Managers:
Rachele Weichmann, School Psychologist
856-694-0100 ext. 291
Ms. Kim Collins- School Social Worker
856-694-0100 ext. 208
High School Case Managers:
Mrs. Lisa Elisio- School Social Worker
856-694-0100 ext. 222
Ms. Tara Heffner- School Psychologist
856-694-0100 ext. 206
Dr. Melissa Smith- LDTC
856-694-0100 ext.263
CST Secretarial Staff:
Tracy Dobbins- Grades 7,8 & 9
856-694-0100 ext. 251
Linda Jespersen- Grades 10, 11 & 12
856-694-0100 ext. 260
Information about Special Education
Related Services:
IDEA is the federal law that assists states, and through them, LEA's, in providing special education and related services to children with disabilities. The primary purpose of the IDEA Part B program is for states and school districts to make FAPE, as defined in the IDEA, available to all eligible children with disabilities and to ensure that IDEA's rights and protections are afforded to eligible children and their parents.
Under IDEA, FAPE is a statutory term. It is defined to include special education and related services that: (a) are provided at public expense, under public supervision, and direction, and without charge; (b) meet the standards of the SEA, including Part B requirements; (c) include an appropriate preschool, elementary school, or secondary school education in the state involved; and (d) are provided in conformity with an IEP that meets the requirements. Each child with a disability is entitled to receive FAPE in the LRE.
Referral - Speech / Language
If a parent / professional staff request is made in writing:
The Speech / Language Specialist (SLS) must set up a meeting within 20 days of receipt of the request to determine if an evaluation is warranted.
when a student has been determined eligible for speech / language services and other disabilities are suspected or other services are being considered, the student shall be referred to the Child Study Team.
Please contact:
Jackie Scerbo - School Social Worker
856-694-0100 ext. 243
Section 504:
Section 504 is a Federal law that prohibits disability discrimination by recipients of Federal financial assistance.
Section 504 provides a broad spectrum of protections against discrimination on the basis of disability. For example, all qualified elementary and secondary public school students who meet the definition of an individual with a disability under Section 504 are entitled to receive regular or special education and related aids and services that are designed to meet their individual educational needs as adequately as the needs of student without disabilities aer met. Section 504 also requires that a student with a disability receive an equal opportunity to particiapte in athletics and extra curricular activities, adn to be free from bullying and harassment based on disability.
An individual with a disability in the elementary and secondary education is defined as a person who:
For more information on IDEA / 504 / ADA requirements, please contact:
Department of Special Services / Child Study Team
Delsea Regional High School District
242 Fries Mill Road, PO Box 405
Franklinville, NJ 08322
856-694-0100 exts. 251 or 260
Guidelines for Section 504
Services in Public Schools
Student with disabilities who are protected under Section 504, but are not eligible for IDEA services, must be afforded a FAPE through a designed process involving referral, evaluation, programming planning, placement, and re-evaluation.
Section 504 eligibility is determined by substantial limitation to a major life activity resulting from physical or mental impairment.
Note: This is a subjective professional judgement.
School personnel must remember that the primary determining factor is their professional judgement about the child’s functioning, not test scores, discrepancy formulas, and other quantitative data.
Steps in the 504 FAPE Process
Referral – Schools are required to refer students who they think would be eligible for Section 504 services. A committee of knowledgeable individuals will make that determination. Parents or school personnel may make referrals.
Evaluation – If the committee believes that the child would probably be eligible for Section 504 services, an evaluation of the area of suspected need must be completed. This evaluation must use nondiscriminatory procedures.
Eligibility Determination – After the evaluation, the committee must determine if the student has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.
Recommendation Plan Development – If the committee determines that the student is eligible under Section 504, an accommodation plan must be developed.
Periodic Re-evaluation – The school must periodically re-evaluate the student to determine continuing eligibility under Section 504.
Note: Accommodations for this group of students are usually inexpensive, common sense modifications that enable them to have equal access to educational and extra-curricular activities. They are intended to level the playing field so that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to be successful.
Substantial Limitations
School Requirements for Section 504
Please contact:
Middle School or High School
Ms. Jackie L. Scerbo
Director of Special Services/CST
District 504 Compliance Officer
High School
Melissa Pilitowski
High School Guidance Director
Project Child Find
Project CHILD FIND is a free referral service and public awareness campaign to assist in the identification of unserved / underserved youth with a delay or disability from birth through twenty-one years of age.
In addition, Project CHILD FIND develops and distributes information to the public about early intervention services and special education programs throughout New Jersey.
Project CHILD FIND’s comprehensive efforts include:
Information through Project CHILD FIND may be obtained by calling the toll-free number, 1-800-322-8174 , which is in service 7 days a week, 24-hours a day. All calls received are confidential.
If you are the parent/guardian of a student who you suspect may have a disability, please call:
Mrs. Jackie L. Scerbo
Director of Special Services/ CST
District 504 Compliance Coordinator
856-694-0100 ext. 251 or 260
You will receive information required for enrollment in the Delsea Regional High School District and/or Special Services program.
Have a concern about a child?
Make a referral to Early Intervention in New Jersey for a child under the age of 3.
Toll Free: 888-653-4463
State Department of Health / State of New Jersey
Special Education Parent Advisory Council
If you are a parent / guardian of a student attending Delsea Regional High School District school(s) who is interested in serving on the Special Education Advisory Council, please contact the personnel below:
Mrs. Jackie L. Scerbo
Director of Special Services / CST
504 Compliance Officer
856-694-0100 exts. 251 or 260
Delsea Regional High School District has a Special Education Parent Advisory Council.
The purpose is to give parents an opportunity to provide direct input to their school district about policies, programs, practices and services for students with disabilities and their families.
If you have concerns and ideas to share, please call the following Director of Special Services/CST:
Ms. Jackie L. Scerbo
Director of Special Services/CST 504 Compliance Officer
856-694-0100 ext. 251 or 260
Other Members May Include:
Special Education Parent Advisory Council IS NOT:
The goal is to look at systemic issue(s)
Each Special Education Parent Advisory Council is unique. It takes time, effort and patience to be an effective, sustainable group.
Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG) Manual: A Guide for Best Practices in Developing and Implementing an Effective (SEPAG) (English/Spanish)
Important Links
Delsea School District Counseling Web Pages – Most recently, we have added our Delsea Counseling Corner Wakelet to offer helpful activities, articles, and videos.
Due Process – enacted July 2017
(Public Law 2012. Chapter 103)
Speech / Language Development
IEP Goals
State Special Education Website
Additional Resources
Transition Planning
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS)
215 Crown Point Road
Suite 200
Thorofare, New Jersey 08086-2153
Phone: 856-384-3730
Division of Vocational and Rehabilitative Services Presentation:
For 10th graders For 11th and 12th graders
Boggs Center
Special Needs Education
Resources/ Links/Training / Webinars / Advocacy
Special Services
Link: Approved Supplemental Education Services