22-23 Fall Chromebook Distribution

Chromebook Distribution for 7th Grade,10 Grade, and Transfer-In students (who have not already received their device) will take place during the following timeframes:
- Tuesday, August 23rd: 10AM – 2PM
- Thursday, August 25th: 10AM – 2PM, 5PM – 8PM
- Wednesday, August 31st: 10AM – 2PM, 5PM – 8PM
Distribution will take place in the High School Media Center. There is a major change for this year’s Distribution. Moving forward, there will no longer be a Chromebook insurance fee! Please keep the following things in mind:
- All students and parents must read the Acceptable Use Policy (which can be found here), and fill out the Google Form to agree to the Acceptable Use Policy (found here).
- Student’s will not be able to receive their new Chromebook without the form being filled out by the student’s parents/guardians. Please fill out the form prior to coming to the Chromebook Distribution.
- All 10th grade students, and any students who retained their old Chromebook from Franklin Township/Elk Township, must bring their old Chromebook and charger with them to receive their new device.
If you are unable to make any of these dates:
Delsea Middle School
Please have the student stop down to the main office to pick up their Chromebook during the first week of school. If the AUP form is not filled out, the student will not be able to receive their new device.
Please have the student stop down to the main office to pick up their Chromebook during the first week of school. If the AUP form is not filled out, the student will not be able to receive their new device.
Delsea High School
Please have the student stop down to the Tech Department office to pick up their Chromebook during the first week of school. If the AUP form is not filled out, the student will not be able to receive their new device.
Please have the student stop down to the Tech Department office to pick up their Chromebook during the first week of school. If the AUP form is not filled out, the student will not be able to receive their new device.