Title IX/Affirmative Action/504 Complaint Forms
Title IX Coordinator: Mr. Ken Schoudt, Athletic Director
P.O. Box 405, 242 Fries Mill Road, Franklinville, NJ 08322
(856) 694-0100, Extension 231 (phone) * (856)694-4417 (fax)
Complete the form here: Title IX Complaint Form
Affirmative Action Officer: Dr. Lisa Niemi, Vice Principal
P.O. Box 405, 242 Fries Mill Road, Franklinville, NJ 08322
(856) 694-0100, Extension 241 (phone) * (856)694-4417 (fax)
Complete the form here: Affirmative Action Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Form
504 Coordinator: Ms. MaryBeth Warfield, Director of CST and Special Services
P.O. Box 405, 242 Fries Mill Road, Franklinville, NJ 08322
(856) 694-0100, Extension 243 (phone) * (856)694-4417 (fax)
Complete the form here: Section 504 Form
Contact Us
Statement Of Non-discrimination Practices
The Board of Education shall provide equal and bias-free access for all students to all school facilities.